Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Beer in the evening...

OK, so I've been off from work today working on the site, trawling the web, looking for bizarre shot and I came across this. It almost makes you cry to think of the waste!

Whilst I'm chilling in the sun drinking a bevvy, just thought I'd share this picture of criminal spillage. Such a shame!

Sunday, 17 May 2009

Massive site update

OK, it's seriously taken all day to get this far but all the Golgotha Outlaws section of the site is now live. All the music is linked and ready to download and all the artwork is in place.

Also, I've built and submitted the site map today to Google, MSN, Yahoo and a couple of other search engines so hopefully that should generate a little traffic. Other than that, I'm pretty much built now so it's more about content now, so that's where getting traffic comes in, The more people visit, the more chance I have of getting someone to contribute some content.

Maybe I will put some more time into finding stuff to put into the blog as well.

Friday, 15 May 2009

The first update

Ok, the new site is partly functional now. There's a bit of content on there but I need more, this is where YOU come in. Any contributions gratefully received.

Whilst I've been building the site today I've been looking around the web for inspiration and there's some seriously fucked up stuff out there.



but it is... rather odd

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

The birth of

After a bit of mucking around, and my general incompetence, was finally born at about 11:30am this morning. Following a major circumvention of my severe lack of web creation knowledge I am now up and running.

Over the next few days I'll be building the basic site and getting a few bits up and running. Contributions are always welcome so if you would like to start me off with a few photos of unusual, gross or odd things then by all means feel free to email them to me and I will add them to the galleries and credit you for their inclusion.

Lets make things